Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dance injury researcher Luke Hopper thanks Harlequin for support

Luke Hopper PhD, a Lecturer of exercise, musculoskeletal and clinical biometrics at The University of Notre Dame, Australia has extended his thanks and gratitude to a number of individuals who have supported his research including "the invaluable assistance of Harlequin throughout my doctoral candidature."

As an ex-dancer, Luke Hopper is well aware of the demands of dance training and the associated injury risks. Since finishing dance training, Luke studied sport science at the University of Western Australia and has recently completed his PhD investigating the effects of dance floors on dancers.

Thanking "[the] representatives of Harlequin who have accepted and supported my research with openness and generosity. Their input has provided a major contribution to my research and I am grateful for the respect they have given my scientific obligations. I hope that my findings will significantly aid our common goal of improving the health of dancers."

Group Marketing Manager, Mark Rasmussen responded, "I know I speak for everybody at Harlequin when I say that we are proud to be associated with Luke’s work." Mark continued, " Attending meetings at the IADMS conference and with other professionals dealing with dancer's health in the last year, one name kept coming up, Luke Hopper."

Luke explained at the outset of the research, "Dance floors are an integral part of the dance environment, yet little information is available for the dance community that concerns how dance floors may affect dancer performance and injury. For the dedicated dancer striving to improve, injury can sadly be an all too common occurrence. By gaining knowledge concerning the relationship between dance floors and dancer performance and injury, the dance environment can be optimized in order to give dancers the best opportunities in their training."

Harlequin has a long tradition of working closely with the dance community to develop ‘research-informed’ dance floors and is a major supporter of IADMS - International Association for Dance Medicine & Science - in addition to sponsoring previous and on-going research in the USA, UK and Europe into dancers’ health related to the quality of dance floors. Harlequin also recently pledged £30,000 towards the creation of a National Institute of Dance Medicine and Science in the UK.

Photo: Luke Hopper assisted by Talia Wheeler with test equipment at the Birmingham Royal Ballet.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Visit the Harlequin Video Zone

Visit the new Harlequin Video Zone for the latest news, interviews and product videos.

Video spot on Dancing Times web site

Check out the Dancing Times Video Gallery.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Harlequin will be at PLASA Focus in Leeds this month

British Harlequin plc will again be exhibiting at the PLASA Focus event to be held in two halls at the Royal Armouries in Leeds, on 19th and 20th April 2011 where Harlequin’s stand will feature floors for dance, theatre and events.

With more than 30 years’ experience in producing world-leading floors for the performing arts, Harlequin provides sprung floors for permanent or temporary installation, roll out floors and permanent, heavy-duty or cushioned vinyl. Accessories include tapes, roll carts, bags and straps and cleaning materials, many of which can be bought online at www.harlequinshop.com.

According to the organisers “One of the key strengths of PLASA Focus is its unique visitor profile with 70% of visitors from the North of England. New features for 2011 include an expanded, free, two-day education and learning programme and new opportunities for live product demonstrations”.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Visit Harlequin at MOVE-IT this weekend

British Harlequin plc, world leaders in the development and technology of floors for dance and the performing arts are once again a ‘Show Supporter’ of MOVE IT 2011. Harlequin continues in its commitment to furnish dance floors for the main performance stage, the ‘Harlequin Masterclass Studio’ and other areas for the big dance event that takes place at London’s Olympia Exhibition Centre from 11th to13th March.

Visit Harlequin’s stand, number 130, and you can try out light grey Harlequin Cascade™ within their ballet area, pale blue Harlequin Studio™ within their contemporary area and maple Harlequin Tempo™ within their street area. Harlequin’s presence on the exhibition floor provides a great opportunity for dance teachers and students to try Harlequin dance floors and ballet barres for themselves and talk to knowledgeable staff about which floors will be best suited to their dance classes.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Main Sponsor for the 2011 Australian Dance & Performing Arts Expo is Harlequin

Harlequin, recognised as the world leader in advanced technology floors for dance and the performing arts, has announced that it is to be the main sponsor of The Australian Dance & Performing Arts Expo in June.

The Australian Dance & Performing Arts Expo (ADPE), scheduled to take place at the Melbourne Exhibition & Convention Centre, from 17th~19th June. ADPE is described as "Australia's largest event of its type covering every aspect of the dance and performing arts industry" where Harlequin will be supplying three areas of it’s Liberty™ sprung dance floors for the main performance areas.

Visitors will also be able to try a dance style, or take a free dance class of the many styles exhibiting at the expo on the Harlequin sprung dance floors which will be a focal point for activities of the Expo. They will be used for the ‘ADPE Class and Performance’ floor and ‘Main Stage Dance’ floor with the ‘Main Stage’, also benefiting from a Harlequin floor, featuring some of Australia's most outstanding performers with live bands performing throughout the day.

Guenther Goetz, Managing Director of Harlequin Australasia said, "Over the next few weeks Harlequin and the ADPE will be announcing some very special guests and promotions in the lead up to the first Australian Dance & Performing Arts Expo. " Guenther continued, “We are proud to be the major sponsor for ADPE and to be providing high quality sprung floors to ensure dancers can perform safely and also to give visitors the opportunity to try out our sprung floors for themselves.”

Harlequin has been at the forefront of research informed, specially developed floors for entertainment technology for over thirty years.

The Harlequin name is established as a brand that has become synonymous with the floors of choice for leading dance companies, while equally accessible and affordable for smaller venues, local dance schools and studios.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Win a FREE VIP ticket to MOVE IT & PERFORM 2011

Win a FREE VIP ticket to MOVE IT & PERFORM 2011

Harlequin floors are the choice of the world's leading dance companies and are being used on the main stage and Harlequin Masterclass Studio at Move It and Perform 2011, Olympia Exhibition Centre, 11th -13th March.

Visit the British Harlequin stand, number 130, and try out our Harlequin Liberty™sprung floor under a choice of dance surfaces:

Harlequin Cascade™

Harlequin Studio™

Harlequin Tempo™

Win a FREE VIP ticket to MOVE IT & PERFORM 2011

The first 50 people to email their full name and address tomarketing@harlequinfloors.com by 5pm on Tuesday 8th March will win a FREE VIP ticket to the show, which allows entry for two people on any one of the above days.

Good luck and we look forward to meeting you at MOVE IT & PERFORM 2011!

Floors for Globe’s new facility are not just a dance surface

"It’s not just a dance surface it’s also an acoustics surface", said Andy Scorgie, Head of Facilities Management at Shakespeare’s Globe in London, talking about the floors recently installed by British Harlequin at their new education and rehearsal centre. Andy explained that the Harlequin floor "is something our acoustic consultant was keen on using. It’s a product I am particularly familiar with due to working in and creating different spaces over the years. " Well known as global leaders in dance floors, the Globe’s selection of a Harlequin Activity sprung floor with hardwood oak surface was chosen not just for its spring characteristics and aesthetics, but also for its acoustic properties. Located close to Shakespeare’s Globe and reflecting the same architectural feel thanks to the use of oak and curved walls, the new Sackler Studios comprise a rehearsal room for the theatre company, four education workshop studios and a music room, as well as a cafĂ©.

"The whole structure of a Harlequin floor although it is designed to give you spring, for us helped tremendously in creating a space which as you can hear is lively," continued Andy speaking during our interview from a studio within the new facility. "One of the reasons for a Harlequin floor was not so much as having a nice sprung surface, but more to do with improving the sound separation between one space and another". Discussing the installation, Andy went on to say how he was "tremendously pleased" with "the Harlequin floor going down very easily and quickly. From a look and feel as a working surface and as part of the sound separation between all the studios it’s more than done its job. "

"I must admit I had never thought of Harlequin floors in terms of an acoustic material rather than a dance floor, which is obviously how we generally think of them”, concluded Andy. “However it’s another string to Harlequin’s bow that it is not just a dance surface, it is also an acoustics surface. "

.Watch the full interview

Mark takes leading marketing role at Harlequin

Mark Rasmussen has been appointed Group Marketing Manager for the Harlequin Group of companies worldwide. Mark, who joined the Tunbridge Wells based enterprise last year as Interim Group Marketing Manager, heads up a global marketing team whose portfolio includes the established Harlequin dance floor and Black Cat Music brands, which were joined recently by the newly introduced MusicPracticeRooms.com brand.

Mark previously worked as Consumer Marketing Manager for General Electric, following an earlier agency background. His role will embrace an overview of marketing operations for the main Harlequin businesses located in the UK, America, Europe, Asia and Australasia, as well as the successful Black Cat Music distribution franchise in the UK, Europe and Russia.

Harlequin’s recognised global leadership in dance floor technology is based on informed research and working closely with the dance community to create floors that dancers, at all levels of achievement, aspire to dance on. The company continues to develop this rapport with its customers through embracing new online marketing initiatives including the use of social media and video, and welcoming comment and interaction as well as providing advice and supporting the dance profession through research funding.

Black Cat Music offers a comprehensive programme of music education and performance equipment and has established its online e-commerce store as a popular destination for quality, yet affordable products.

Commenting on his appointment, Mark said, “I’m so proud to be working with such a great team. Harlequin are not only the innovators and leaders in our industry but, uniquely among it’s competitors, supports research into dance injuries, sponsors events such as the Prix de Lausanne and continues, year on year, as a major supporter of the International Association for Dance Medicine & Science.”